Small miniature horse farm specializing in excellent breeding stock.
Specializing in APHA Black Overo Cowhorses. Breeding and Sales. Standing at Stud: Smoke N Midnite Hawk - APHA Homozygous Black Overo Stallion
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Specializing in quality performance horses with good minds. Our horses enjoy there jobs, meet you at the gate, and are all around willing horses!…
Welcome... Our Slidin~J~Ranch is family operated & we all work to keep our herd in tiptop shape. We're located in Fallon Nevada, we strive for some…
We are located in Fallon, Nv. We currently have our stallion - Fairlea Guns N Glory in training with Dave Thacker for this years Snaffle Bit. He… is the ultimate platform for free HD movies and TV shows. With Sflix, you can explore an extensive library of blockbuster hits, timeless…
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