HSFHR is a 501c(3) located in Wernersville, PA. Vet recommended, we often have a wide array of residents at the farm. We strive to help each individual…
Timber Ridge Farm is a Family run business set on 35 beautiful acres. Lessons/training/showing Beginner through advanced. Lay ups and retirees…
Flying Horse Farm is a boarding/training facility with a focus on eventing. We run a lesson program from beginner through advanced students as well…
Boarding, training, and lesssons.
We are a family owned farm that offers a warm friendly atmosphere along with a lifetime of experience.
Standing Heavens Red Eagle 139.5 National Halter Points Medalloin WInner
We are a boarding and training facility which offers training, lessons, horses and ponies for sale.
New into the Sport Horse Breeding, Currently have two broodmares and One Stallion.